林淦生®咽炎清 臨床指南 - 林淦生醫藥研究院

林淦生®咽炎清 臨床指南







每粒《林淦生®咽炎清》膠囊含天冬 65毫克、珍珠 15毫克、銀花 60毫克、南沙參 50毫克、木蝴蝶50毫克、蟬蛻 50毫克 等共500毫克純中藥精華。







一) 臨床症狀:

  1. 咽喉有異物感,有痰黏著般的感覺,但無痰咳出。咽粘膜壁經常出現紅腫血泡或淋巴濾泡。長期患者可出現黏膜萎縮。
  2. 夜晚口乾、乾咳無痰,聲音容易沙啞。
  3. 患者只要食到辛辣刺激性食物、即使餅乾或油炸燒烤食物也會引起不適。


二) 致病主要原因:

  1. 因長期食用辛辣、油炸燒烤等食物、吸煙以及空氣污染等原因導致咽喉粘膜受傷害令抵抗力下降,再感染病原體 (病毒) 而致。
  2. 由於長期接觸病患者,例如使用同一容器飲食、接吻等而受感染。
  3. 有鼻敏感或慢性鼻炎的病史長期鼻涕倒流入咽喉,鼻涕內的病毒細菌感染導致咽喉粘膜發炎,應先服《林淦生®鼻敏清》治療。


三) 所需療程:



四) 服藥期間注意事項:

  1. 戒口食物: 牛肉類、羊肉、香腸、芝士、蝦、蟹、無鱗及不新鮮魚類、貝殼類(蜆、蠔等)、糯米、芋頭、硬殼果仁(栗子、花生、腰果、開心果、瓜子等)、芒果、榴槤、龍眼、韭菜、大蒜、茄子、朱古力、糖果、罐頭、油炸及高溫烘焙穀類(炸薯條、粟米片、酥餅、餅乾等)、煙酒、辛辣食品。北蓍、黨參、杞子、當歸、花旗蔘、高麗蔘、鹿茸等補養性中藥。
  2. 切忌熬夜。
  3. 感冒發燒時暫停服用。
  4. 月經期間停服。


五) 痊癒後預防復發:


六) 利用「發病位置」的不同,簡易準確鑑別慢性咽炎與氣管炎(臨床上述兩種疾病極易混淆,可導致治療無效):

甲) 慢性咽炎發病位置: 確定由咽喉「天突 」位(兩邊鎖骨之間凹位)之上至咽喉頂部,結合異物感、乾咳無痰等症狀。

乙) 氣管炎: 確定在「天突 」位以及「天突 」位下延伸至胸中,結合痕咳有痰涎、咳喘的症狀。


規格: 每瓶120粒膠囊   香港製造   經香港政府認可檢定中心定期檢測  品質符合香港及國際安全標準


保存方法與期限: 置陰涼乾燥處,並避免兒童誤服,有效期三年。


*若有任何疑問可致電或親臨林淦生醫藥研究院有限公司   電話:(852)2722 0239












每粒《林淦生®咽炎清》胶囊含天冬 65毫克、珍珠 15毫克、银花 60毫克、南沙参 50毫克、木蝴蝶50毫克、蝉蜕 50毫克 等共500毫克纯中药精华。







) 床症

  1. 咽喉有异物感,有痰黏着般的感觉,但无痰咳出。咽粘膜壁经常出现红肿血泡或淋巴滤泡。长期患者可出现黏膜萎缩。
  2. 夜晚口干、干咳无痰,声音容易沙哑。
  3. 患者只要食到辛辣刺激性食物、即使饼干或油炸烧烤食物也会引起不适。


) 致病主要原因:

  1. 因长期食用辛辣、油炸烧烤等食物、吸烟以及空气污染等原因导致咽喉粘膜受伤害令抵抗力下降,再感染病原体 (病毒) 而致。
  2. 由于长期接触病患者,例如使用同一容器饮食、接吻等而受感染。
  3. 有鼻敏感或慢性鼻炎的病史长期鼻涕倒流入咽喉,鼻涕内的病毒细菌感染导致咽喉粘膜发炎,应先服《林淦生®鼻敏清》治疗。


) 所需程:



) 注意事

  1. 戒口食物: 牛肉类、羊肉、香肠、芝士、虾、蟹、无鳞及不新鲜鱼类、贝壳类(蚬、蚝等)、糯米、芋头、硬壳果仁(栗子、花生、腰果、开心果、瓜子等)、芒果、榴莲、龙眼、韭菜、大蒜、茄子、朱古力、糖果、罐头、油炸及高温烘焙谷类(炸薯条、粟米片、酥饼、饼干等)、烟酒、辛辣食品。北蓍、党参、杞子、当归、花旗蔘、高丽蔘、鹿茸等补养性中药。
  2. 切忌熬夜。
  3. 感冒发烧时暂停服用。
  4. 月经期间停服。


) 痊愈后防复


六) 利用「发病位置」的不同,简易准确鉴别慢性咽炎与气管炎(临床上述两种疾病极易混淆,可导致治疗无效):

甲) 慢性咽炎发病位置: 确定由咽喉「天突 」位(两边锁骨之间凹位)之上至咽喉顶部,结合异物感、干咳无痰等症状。

乙) 气管炎: 确定在「天突 」位以及「天突 」位下延伸至胸中,结合痕咳有痰涎、咳喘的症状。


规格: 每瓶120粒胶囊   香港制造   经香港政府认可检定中心定期检测  质量符合香港及国际安全标准


保存方法与期限: 置阴凉干燥处,并避免儿童误服,有效期三年。


*若有任何疑问可致电或亲临林淦生医药研究院有限公司   电话:(852)2722 0239







Lam Kam Sang® PHARYIN manufactured according to the precious prescription of Dr. Lam Kam Sang, the president of Lam Kam Sang Medical Research Institute, specializing in the treatment of chronic pharyngitis.

Chronic pharyngitis is a chronic disease that is common and difficult to recover fully. It generally does not cause serious harm to the body. Still, it reduces the resistance of the throat and easily causes colds, acute pharyngitis, vocal cord inflammation and polyps formation which brings disturbance to the patient.

The prescription medicines of Lam Kam Sang® PHARYIN are effective by improving immunity, smoothing the Microvascular throat circulation, clearing away heat and detoxifying, and killing the source of disease with excellent effect.


Every capsule of Lam Kam Sang® PHARYIN contains 500 mg extract of Radix Asparagi 65mg, Margarita 15mg, Flos Lonicerae 60mg, Radix Adenophorae 50mg, Semen Oroxyli 50mg, Periostracum Cicadae 50mg, etc.



Take 4 capsules per weight below 50 kg, 5 capsules per 60 kg or less, and 6 capsules per 60 kg or more.

Take 3 times a day with warm water after meals.

Take 2 times a day after the symptoms are significantly alleviated.



  1. Clinical symptoms:
  2. The throat has a foreign object sensation with sticky feeling, cough without sputum; red and swollen blood vesicles or lymphoid follicles often appear in the Mucosal wall of the throat; Mucosal atrophy can occur in long-term patients.
  3. Dry mouth at night, dry cough without sputum, and hoarse sound of voice.
  4. As long as the patient eats spicy irritating food, even biscuits or fried barbecue foods can cause discomfort.
  5. The main causes of disease:
  6. Due to long-term consumption of spicy, fried and barbecue foods, smoking and air pollution etc., the throat Mucosa is injured and the resistance reduced, causing the re-infection of the pathogen (virus).
  7. Due to long-term contact with patients, such as using the same containers for diet, kissing etc.
  8. Having history of nasal or chronic rhinitis may have constant flow of nasal sputum into the throat, and the bacterial infection of the sinuses causes inflammation of the throat and mucous membranes.
  9. Required treatment:

The symptoms begin to alleviate after taking Lam Kam Sang® PHARYIN for 7-10 days; 30-day course for patients with mild disease; 60-day course for moderate patients, and 90-day course for more severe patients, the curative rate is over 90%.

  1. Precautions during treatment:
  2. Avoid foods such as beef, chicken, duck, goose, lamb, sausage, cheese, shrimp, crab, fishes without scale and not fresh, shellfish (clam and oyster, etc.), glutinous rice, taro, hard-shelled nuts (chestnuts, peanuts, cashews, pistachios, seeds, etc.), mango, durian, longan, leeks, garlic, eggplant, chocolate, candies, canned, fried and high-temperature baked cereals (French fries, corn flakes, shortbread, biscuits  etc.), tobacco and alcohol, spicy foods. Nourishing Chinese medicine: Astragali, Codonopsis, Barbary wolfberry fruit, Angelica, American ginseng, Korean ginseng, velvet antler, etc.
  3. Avoid staying up late.
  4. Discontinued treatment temporarily during a common cold or fever.
  5. Stop serving during menstruation.
  6. Prevention of recurrence after recovery:

Maintain healthy living habits, avoid irritating foods, and avoid cross-contamination.

  1. Simple and accurate identification of chronic pharyngitis and bronchitis by using different “onset location”. Clinically, the above two diseases are easily confused, which can lead to ineffective treatment
  2. Location of chronic pharyngitis: Determine the symptoms of foreign object sensation, dry cough without sputum from the top of “Acupoint CV22 / concave position between the clavicle on both sides” to the top of the throat.
  3. Tracheitis : Determine the symptoms of itchy cough with sputum and phlegm on CV22 and extend down to the chest.


SPECIFICATION: 120 Capsules Made in Hong Kong   Regularly inspected by the Hong Kong Government approved testing Centres. Quality conforms to Hong Kong & international safety standard.



Please keep in a cool and dry place and prevent children from mistaking. Valid for 3 years.


* Should any query arises, please telephone or visit Lam Kam Sang Medical Research Institute Ltd.   Tel: (852) 2722 0239.


Disclaimer : The above treatments are based on years of clinical experience. Due to factors such as physical strength, different lifestyles, living environments, acute or chronic diseases and difference in ages, the treatment effect may be varied for individual patients, and it cannot be treated as an absolute guarantee for the users.

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