林淦生®腦金康 臨床指南



<Five generations of valuble experience , combined with the current medical diagnosis, familiarized with clinical guideliness to become a self doctor>









每粒《林淦生®腦金康》膠囊含 天麻75mg、鈎藤75mg、防風75mg、全蠍30mg、白朮50mg、珍珠25mg 等中藥精華共500毫克。






(一) 病理和病因:

1. 病理:由於腦部負責分泌黑質多巴胺等神經傳遞物質細胞功能減退、變慢、缺失及傳遞障礙,而造成的神經系統變性疾病。

2. 病因:a.年齡老化。

b. 化學品、農藥、藥品等造成慢性中毒。

c. 腦部曾受撞擊內傷。

d. 曾經腦部發炎。

e. 曾經中風。

f. 腦動脈硬化、腦微血管阻塞。

g. 家族遺傳 (約佔20%)。


(二) 服量 [依據病情及進展需要而訂立:

1.依據體重訂立服量: 體重65公斤及以下每次服6粒,66-75公斤每次服7粒,76-85公斤每次服8粒。

2. 病患初期或病症輕者,本品每次服3次,20天後改為每天服2次,120天後改為每天服1次並維持至無需服西藥後再服90天停藥觀察。

3. 病患較嚴重者,每天服3次,40天後改為每天服2次並至少服180天後病症消失而無需服西藥,可以改為每天服1次。再服120天可停藥觀察。

4. 病患嚴重者,每天服3次,120天後改為每天服2次,服至240天若病情顯著好轉(即僅需服輕量西藥),可改為每天服1次,直至無須服西藥後再服180天可停藥觀察。

5. 末期病患者,每天服2次,180天後改為每天服1次,可長期服用。


(三) 臨床體會:



3.  患者越早治療,痊癒機會就越高。有柏金遜遺傳可能性人士,建議40歲後每年定時連續服本品30天,不但有優良預防作用,而且有健腦之保健功效,一舉兩得。

4. 本品臨床未發現與西藥有任何衝突,故不影響長期服用其他西藥之慢性病患者。



1. 孕婦忌服。

2. 月經量多的女士,月經期間暫停服用。

3. 感冒發燒、急性腸胃炎及其他急性疾病期間暫停服用。



每瓶 120粒膠囊    香港製造

經香港政府認可檢定中心定期檢測    品質符合香港及國際安全標準





*若有任何疑問可致電或親臨林淦生醫藥研究院有限公司,電話:(852) 2722 0239。




Lam KamSang® PAKISIN is manufactured in accordance with the precious prescription, inherited family medical experience and over 40 years clinical practice of Dr.Lam Kam Sang, the president of Lam Kam Sang Medical Research Institute Ltd. PAKISIN is specially formulated for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic disease in the elderly which is common, distressing and difficult  to treat. Once the patient contracts the disease, taking medicines can only temporarily reduce the symptoms and slow down the progression of PD. In the end, patients have to face the result of moderate to severe disability. The special function of PAKISIN is to activate patient’s brain cells, solve the root cause of the disease, help ease and improve the condition, and some patients can attain a complete recovery. The prescription is gentle and suitable for anyone with any constitution.



Parkinson’s disease, at all stages and its main symptoms, include: resting tremor, bradykinesia, muscle rigidity in the limbs, gait disorders, difficulty in movement, difficulty in urination, and stress etc.



Every capsule of Lam Kam Sang® PAKISIN contains 500 mg extract of Rhizoma Gastrodiae 75mg, Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis 75mg, Radix Saposhnikoviae 75mg, Scorpio 30mg, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 50mg, Margrita 25mg etc.



To be taken with warm water after meals. Please take the dosage according to the following CLINIC GUIDE.



1. Pathology and Etiology:


The degeneration and deficiency in the dopamine-producing cells of the substantia nigra and dopamine  transmission disorders result in the neurode generative  disease.


a) Aging.

b) Chronic poisoning caused by chemicals, pesticides, medicines, etc.

c) Past internal injuries to brain cell.

d) Past inflammation of brain cell.

e) Past cerebral strokes.

f) Cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral microvascular obstruction.

g) Family heredity (about 20%).

2. Dosage (in accordance with the condition and progress):

A. Dosage in accordance with body weight: 6 capsules each dose for weight 65 kg or less, 7 capsules for 66-75 kg, and 8 capsules for 76-85 kg.

B. Patients in the early stage or a mild condition should take PAKISIN 3 doses a day; adjust to 2 doses a day after 20 days, and change to 1 dose a day after 120 days. Continue the treatment until no Western Medicine is needed, then take PAKISIN for another 90 days, suspend the treatment and observe the condition.

C. Patients in moderate cases should take 3 times a day; adjust to 2 times a day in 40 days and take for at least 180 days. Patients can stop taking the western medicine after the symptoms disappear, and take PAKISIN once a day for another 120 days, then suspend the treatment and observe the condition.

D. Patients in severe cases should take 3 times a day, adjust to 2 doses a day after 120 days. If the condition improves significantly (i.e. Only a low-dosage of the western medicine is needed), patients can adjust to 1 dose a day until no western medicine is required, and then take PAKISIN for another 180 days, and suspend the treatment and observe the condition.

E. Patients in most severe stage should be administered 2 doses a day, adjust to one dose a day after 180 days. PAKISIN is suitable for long-term use.

3. Clinical Experience:

A. PAKISIN helps continuous improve the natural function of the brain cells which secrete the transmitter substances while the western medicines directly supplements the transmitter substances. When the brain natural function improves after the PAKISIN treatment, the dosage of the western medicine can be reduced. In the course of treatment, PAKISIN can be used flexibly according to any specific conditions of the patients and acts as a complement to the western medicines.

B. Patients with various stages of the disease can anticipate an effective rate of over 95% within 7-30 days after taking PAKISIN, namely improvements to the patient’s ability of bodily movement and mental ability. Most patients can gradually reduce the amount of the western medicines after taking PAKISIN for 60-120 days. It is advisable to consult a family doctor before reducing the dose of the western medicines.

C. The earlier the patient is treated, the higher the chance of recovery. People with Parkinson’s hereditary possibility is recommended to take PAKISIN continuously for 30 days every year after the age of 40.

D. PAKISIN has not shown conflicted with the western medicines clinically, and so it does not affect patients with chronic Parkinson’s disease who have been taking the western medicines for a long time.



1.  Prohibited during pregnancy.

2. Women with heavy menstrual flow should stop taking during menstrual period.

3. Suspend taking during colds, fever, acute gastroenteritis and other acute diseases.




Made in Hong Kong

(Regularly inspected by the Hong Kong Government approved test. Quality conforms to Hong Kong & international safety standard.)



Store in a cool place & keep out of the reach of children. The product expires in 3 years.


*Should any query arises, please telephone or visit Lam Kam Sang Medical Research Institute Ltd. Tel: (852) 2722 0239.


Disclaiment : The above treatments are based on years of clinical experience. Due to factors such as physical strength, different lifestyles, living environment, acute or chronic diseases, and differences in age, the treatment effect of individual patients may be different, so it cannot be treated as a user’s guarantee.

© 2024 Lam Kam Sang Medical Research Institute Ltd. All right reserved.